Institute of Global Medical and Sports Science

Author: Taeho Park

Supported ID Volleyball Tournament 2023

Provided support for ID Volleyball Tournament 2023 On February 5, 2023 (Sunday), our company’s physician, Dr. Ando, provided medical support for the ID Volleyball Tournament 2023 (Intellectual Disabilities Volleyball Tournament) hosted by the NPO Smile Club.   In the tournament, there were 7 teams participating in the men’s category and 4 teams in the women’s category. The presence of special guest Erika Araki, the captain of the Tokyo Olympic Women’s Volleyball Team, made the event even more exciting. Venue for the tournament: Kikkoman Arena (Nagareyama City General Gymnasium).  

Contributed article was published in “Physical Education for Women”

An article contributed by Yuichi Ando (our president and physician), entitled “Japanese Sports: From the Present to the Future” has been featured in the Winter 2023 issue of “Physical Education for Women” (Japan Association of Physical Education for Women). From a passage in the “Conclusion” section. Athletes should not only establish objectives as athletes but also possess personal aspirations regarding the type of person they wish to become. They should reflect on their abilities, and persevere in challenging themselves within a safe and secure environment. Adversity and struggles may arise, yet by persevering in their challenges, they may discover a

Announcement of the Future of Physical Education Co-creation Summit 2023

The Future of Physical Education Co-creation Summit 2023 which our company is supporting as a cooperating organization, will be held online from January 15 to January 21, 2023. For more details on the lecture content, please refer to the website. For ticket applications, please visit Peatix. Our president, Ando, will also participate in several sessions.

Lectured at the “Ennichi”

On December 8, 2022, Our president, Ando, conducted an online lecture. [Ennichi] Towards a society overflowing with empathy A place to encounter new ideas and people Organizer: (General Incorporated Association) Anyone Can Be A Lifesaver Date: December 8th, 2022 (Thursday) Time:19:00~20:30 Theme: Methodologies for constructing an inclusive urban environment. Participation fee: Free Venue: Online Details: Apply here: Entry form *This event is conducted exclusively in the Japanese language.

Lectured at the 113th Nabeshima Sonjuku

On September 15, 2022, President Ando was invited as a guest speaker at Nabeshima Sonjuku (Nabeshima Orthopedics, Chiba City, Chiba Prefecture). The lecture title was “What kind of town is a good town?” The lecture content reflected the practices in Ms. Yasuko Kimura’s book “Lessons learned from ’Minna no Gakko’” (Shogakukan) that should be applied to building a good community.  

An interview with President Ando published in “Shacho no Rirekisho (President’s Resume)”

An interview with Yuichi Ando, President of Institute of Global Medical and Sports Science Japan, Inc., was featured in the web media “Shacho no Rirekisho (President’s Resume)” In the article, Ando shares his background leading up to his entrepreneurship, his current efforts and challenges, and closes with a book he highly recommends. Please enjoy the interview. “Shacho no Rirekisho (President’s Resume)” featuring Yuichi Ando, President of Institute of Global Medical and Sports Science Japan, Inc. (Published on May 13, 2022)

The 17th Sports Hug Cafe was held on June 19th (Sunday)

How do children develop their performance without being taught? What is “Nurturing talent by not teaching?” Here’s what two experts who know all about Europe have to say. (Online Event) Date: June 19, 2022 (Sunday) Time: 8:00 pm – 9:45 pm (doors open 7:50 pm) Guest: Yuriko Saeki (Villarreal staff) Hidetaka Ubagai (Head coach of Shukutoku University Soccer Team) Facilitator: Yuko Shimazawa (Sports and Education journalist) Organizer: Institute of Global Medical and Sports Science Japan, Inc. Participation fee: Public / 1,500JPY, Students / Free Max participants: 150 (Subject to increase upon application.) *This event is only conducted in Japanese. Summary: Yuriko Saeki, played

The 16th Sports Hug Cafe was held on May 15th (Sunday)

Toxic Sports Parents: Why do parents hand over their children to violence and sexual abuse – Let’s hear from those who have been detoxicated. (Online Event) Date: May 15, 2022 (Sunday) Time: 8:00 p.m. (doors open 7:45pm) Guest: Masahiro Onishi (Representative of Yamato Mini Basketball Club, Nara) Parents from the above basketball club and other parents Facilitator: Yuko Shimazawa (Sports and Education journalist) Participation fee: Public / 1000JPY, Students / Free Organizer: Institute of Global Medical and Sports Science Japan, Inc. *This event is only conducted in Japanese. For more information and registration, please visit here. Email address for inquiries:

The 15th Sports Hug Cafe was held on April 3rd (Sunday)

Theme: Sakai Big Boys’ Challenge to Sports and Education Environment in Japan Under the theme of “For the future of children,” Mr. Sakanaga talked about the Sakai Big Boys’ approach of shortening practice time and limiting pitch counts, how they focus on the development of players rather than on the winning of games, and also their overseas experience.   Date: April 3, 2022 (Sunday) Time: 8:00 p.m. (with rebroadcast) Guest: Tomohito Sakanaga (President, NPO BB Future / Coach, Sakai Big Boys Junior High School) Participation fee: Public / 1000JPY, Students / Free For more information and registration, please visit Email address for