Tittle: “The Power to Convey, The Power to Organize” 1st Seminar by an author who published 30 books, of which 80% are reprinted.
Date: June 1, 2024 (Saturday)
Time: 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM (Doors open at 6:50 PM)
Speaker: Yuko Shimazawa (Journalist & Consultant)
Facilitator: Yuichi Ando (President of Institute of Global Medical and Sports Science Japan, Inc.)
Organizer: Institute of Global Medical and Sports Science Japan, Inc.
Participation fee: 2,000JPY (Free entry for 18 years or under)
Max participants: 100 (Subject to increase upon application)
For more information and registration, please visit here.

*This event is conducted in Japanese only.

Summary: When delivering important information orally, by e-mail, or on SNS to your team, followers, or students at school, I often hear concerns such as “I can’t get the message across,” “I can’t write well,” “I can’t simplify my message,” etc.
A journalist who has worked as a professional communicator for many years, who published 30 books, of which 80% are reprinted, will teach you “The Art of Organizing the Power to Convey”.

ex. Does your message have a ” Story ” ~ Why do episodes win hearts and minds?
Are the themes and titles of your lectures, seminars, and books “easy to understand? ~ The risk of “self-indulgence” etc.