Supported the Para-Trip Support Group organized by NPO ORIGAMI for the Chiba City Triathlon spectating event, together with Dr. Kyohei Nishino, Representative of Seeds, Inc.

Para-Trip is an event organized by NPO ORIGAMI, where individuals with disabilities who typically cannot freely go out are accompanied by student volunteers to support Para-Sports. During the event, they have lunch, play games, and chat, spending a special and wonderful time together.
This year, the Chiba City Triathlon event was scheduled for September 24th. A pre-training event (held in Chiba City on September 10th) had our Representative Ando, as a lecturer, and on the event day, Dr. Kyōhei Nishino, Representative of General Incorporated Association Seeds, provided support. The event turned out to be very successful with a total of 130 participants.